Demystifying Dildos: A Comprehensive Guide

Dildos may prompt discomfort in conversation, yet they offer a world of pleasure with their array of shapes and sizes. As the global sex toy market soars, estimated to hit $81 billion by 2030 from $34 billion in 2021, understanding the use and purpose of dildos becomes crucial.

Sex toys such as dildos often lurk in the shadows of taboo topics. We aim to change this, guiding you through all the necessary information about dildos, their uses, and much more.

Embark on this exploration of pleasure below.

What Is a Dildo?

Primarily designed for penetration, dildos are sex toys often used for personal pleasure, although some might incorporate them into foreplay or sexual activities with partners. Various design features, such as ribbed edges, can enhance the sensation.

Dildos showcase diversity in shape and length. Some mirror the form of an erect penis, while others adopt different appearances. Additionally, some dildos may even be crafted to mimic a specific person's penis for a touch of realism. They can be fabricated from a variety of materials including rubber, silicone, and metal.

What Are Dildos Used For?

Primarily, dildos serve as instruments of penetration, designed to stimulate the g-spot and intensify orgasmic experiences. Some vibrating dildos offer additional clitoral stimulation. Personal preference dictates whether a dildo is used orally, anally, or vaginally. In the BDSM community, dildos are known to add a psychological element to kink-play.

Who Are Dildos For?

Dildos are versatile tools for pleasure, usable by anyone irrespective of gender or sexual orientation. They can stimulate a woman's clitoris or g-spot, or both. For men, dildos can provide prostate stimulation. Strap-on dildos, often worn by women, can be used for anal penetration of their partners.

What Is the History of Dildos?

According to the University of Columbia, archeologists unearthed the first known dildo in a German cave, dating back approximately 28,000 years. Therefore, the history of dildos extends as far back as the Ice Age.

Dildos have found a place in various civilizations, including ancient Egypt and Greece, often serving ritualistic or ceremonial roles. Renaissance-era Europe saw a surge in the popularity of dildos, particularly among the upper classes. They were often made from precious metals and treated as status symbols. The term 'dildo' originates from this period, stemming from the Italian word 'diletto', which translates as 'to delight'. Despite the societal apprehensions leading to laws restricting their production and sale, dildos have maintained their popularity, especially since the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

What Are the Types of Dildos?

Dildos exist in a wide array of types, each carrying distinct design features that set them apart. We identify ten common types, each offering a unique sensual experience.

Hard Dildos

Hard dildos are made from solid materials such as glass, crystal, stainless steel, and even precious metals like gold or silver. They can provide specific area stimulation and a sense of fullness.

Soft Dildos

Contrary to hard dildos, soft ones are crafted from flexible materials like silicone or rubber. They offer a softer feeling during penetration and can have various design enhancements to boost pleasure.

Representational Dildos

These dildos mimic the appearance of a human penis, complete with realistic design elements like veins, a penile tip, and a skin-like texture. Some even include testicles that provide additional stimulation.

Realistic Dildo Molds

As the name suggests, realistic dildo molds are precise replicas of specific individuals' penises, offering a near-identical sensual experience. The size of the replicas can be adjusted based on individual preferences.

Fantasy Dildos

Fantasy dildos allow the exploration of unique desires with unconventional shapes like tentacles, animal penises, or even a fist, offering experiences that are unique to the user.

Vibrating Dildos

Vibrating dildos, whether shaped like a penis or uniquely designed, offer enhanced stimulation through their vibrations. Some are designed to provide simultaneous vaginal and clitoral stimulation.

Double-Ended Dildos

Designed for simultaneous use by two partners, double-ended dildos can be used for vaginal or anal penetration and are popular in scenarios involving multiple partners.

Strap-On Dildos

Strap-on dildos, worn around the waist, allow for hands-free penetration of a partner. Using a strap-on often involves a harness, which can be made of materials like leather or vegan alternatives.

Pack-and-Play Dildos

Pack-and-play dildos can be worn throughout the day, often strapped around the waist to create a bulge in one's pants. These dildos can be adjusted to an erect position for penetration when desired.

Suction Cup Dildos

Suction cup dildos feature suction cups at the base of the shaft, allowing them to be fixed in one place for hands-free pleasure. They can be used in various positions and are also suitable for traditional penetration, offering the best of both worlds.

What Are Dildos Made Of?

Dildos can be fabricated from a wide variety of materials, each impacting the user's experience uniquely. Familiarizing yourself with these various materials can help you better understand what to expect when using a dildo. We will guide you through the common materials utilized in the production of dildos.

Jelly Rubber

Jelly rubber is a composite material of PVC and rubber, and it's a traditional choice for sex toy manufacturing due to its flexibility and ease of molding. However, recently, there has been a decline in its popularity due to rising safety concerns.

Some jelly rubber sex toys may contain additional chemicals, such as phthalates, which increase flexibility but may cause irritation to sensitive skin. It's worth noting that jelly rubber is a porous material, making it one of the more difficult materials to clean thoroughly.


Plastic dildos are rigid, offering a different experience compared to flexible counterparts made of silicone or jelly rubber. Their durability, coupled with ease of maintenance, allows them to remain in service for many years. For vibrating dildos, plastic is considered one of the best material choices.

Given that plastic is a non-porous material, it's relatively straightforward to clean. Some plastic dildos may be enhanced with a coating of rubber or oil to elevate the pleasurable experience.


Silicone dildos are popular due to their flexibility, durability, and ease of maintenance. Premium silicone dildos typically utilize platinum-cured silicone, known for being non-porous, hypoallergenic, and generally safe for the body. Silicone is not only smooth to the touch but also lends itself well to molding, making it possible to create dildos in a wide range of shapes and sizes.

Certain dildos are crafted using liquid silicone, which retains most properties of regular silicone but offers a more lifelike feel.


Tempered glass is the material of choice for glass dildos, which are hard and often bear artistic aesthetics, making them collectible items for some enthusiasts. These non-porous dildos are easy to maintain, and despite being made of glass, the tempering process ensures they won't shatter.

Moreover, glass dildos are compatible with all types of lubricants and are quick to clean after use.


Metal, another material used for crafting hard dildos, can include stainless steel, gold, silver, among others. These dildos are odorless and tasteless, making them an excellent choice for beginners. Metal dildos are particularly favored within the BDSM community and often held as cherished possessions.

The rigidity of metal dildos might feel uncomfortable for some users due to the lack of flexibility. However, they are the most durable type of dildos and easy to clean.

Concluding Remarks

Dildos are more than just objects for penetration. They serve as tools to explore personal fantasies, introduce new dynamics in the bedroom, and elevate pleasure to heights previously unimagined.

When purchasing a dildo, it's vital to consider all factors, especially the material. Begin with a modest size and gradually increase as you become more accustomed to the experience.